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How to Prepare for a Last-Minute Move

Posted: August 7, 2023
Two Moving Help Service Providers prepare to move a television by covering it with protective wrap. Another provider moves living room boxes with a dolly.

It happens to everyone. No matter how well you plan, sometimes life throws an unexpected curveball at you. Whether you procrastinated or just got some recent news that’ll require you to make some last-minute moving changes, it can be stressful to get everything done on short notice. That’s why we made this guide on how to prepare for a last-minute move.

Staying Organized Is Key 

Just because you’re moving unexpectedly or in less than a week or two, it doesn’t mean your last-minute moving plan should be disorganized. In fact, the more thoughtful you are in your game plan, the better off you’ll be in the long run. You want your last-minute moving to be efficient. 

To stay organized, you’ll want to make a checklist and a timeline of when you need to complete each item on the checklist. This will help keep you focused. 

What Do I Need to Do for My Move? 

  • Buy packing supplies 
  • Boxes, tape, scissors, bubble wrap, packing paper, markers, plastic bags (for screws or other small parts) 
  • Pack and prepare your belongings 
  • Transfer utilities from your old place to your new place 
  • Gather medical records, dental records, and school records 
  • Clean out your old place 

What Are Some Other Tips to Keep in Mind While Packing?

Downsize When You Can

You should take some time to figure out what you don’t want any more or don’t want to move with you. You can donate it, sell it, or throw it away. Plus, this’ll help you because the fewer items you have to pack, the less work you’ll have to do. 

Go Step by Step

You should start with one room at a time. In each room, you should always start with seasonal items or the items you use the least to pack first. 

Find Dual Purposes

You can use clothes, towels, and linens to wrap fragile items. You also can keep clothes on hangers and wrap them in plastic bags. 

Set Up a Packing Station

You should create one spot as the packing station spot. This way, you can have all your packing supplies in one place, and you won’t waste any time looking for that darn tape. 

Prioritize Organization

When packing under a time crunch you don’t need to worry about each box having the contents inside it matching together perfectly. What does matter is you still wrap fragile items well, pack heavy to light, and pack carefully. 

To make up for the lack of organization, you can quickly write down what’s inside on the outside of the box. 

How Can Moving Help® Help Me Prepare for a Last-Minute Move?

Moving Help has many last-minute moving labor providers or same-day moving labor providers who can help you out. Whether you need help with just packing or just loading, or both, we have Service Providers on our Marketplace offering a variety of services. 

If you need to book labor-only Service Providers for same-day help, simply enter today’s date as the day you need service to browse for Service Providers you know will be available. 

Moving Help Is Prepared for Any Type of Move

Last-minute moving plans and preparing for a last-minute move is stressful even if you manage to stay organized. This is why having Moving Help at your side is nice.   

Moving Help has last-minute moving labor or same-day moving labor available to help you with packing, loading and unloading, and cleaning.